Monday, May 2, 2011


   Pardon my abrupt cease in personal growth trust me it is not by choice. I'd rather grow personally then have to take my exams for the next two weeks! I'm so nervous about these exams and will be losing my life for the love of my courses. Just two more weeks of school and I can start a new summer for myself as a young adult finally! I will have a better job then before making a little bit more than I had while I was in school. I'm even going to work in my favorite hospital! I'm more than excited to start my job and look forward the the opportunities this will give to me. I'll be back don't worry..finals suck. For anyone in school no matter the major, you know exactly what I'm talking about! *Insert nursing book head slam*
                                                                                                             Lord help Me,


  1. Ugh just had my last exam today and I'd like to say I'm free for summer but I'll be in someones classroom on the 16th lol

  2. Oh man! that sucks! U can't gt a break huh?
